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Polls Show Florida Amendment 4 for Abortions Up to Birth Would Lose

Amendment 4
Florida's Amendment 4, which proposes to codify unrestricted abortion in the state's constitution, would also overturn every pro-life law in the state and force taxpayers to fund abortions.
Polls Show Florida Amendment 4 for Abortions Up to Birth Would Lose

New polls show Florida Amendment 4, which would legalize abortions up to birth in the state, doesn’t have enough support to pass.

Florida’s Amendment 4, which proposes to codify unrestricted abortion in the state’s constitution,would also overturn every pro-life law in the state and force taxpayers to fund abortions.

Amending the state’s constitution requires approval by a 60 percent majority and polls show the radical pro-abortion amendment would fail.

The USA Today data shows that 58% of Floridians are in favor of the amendment while while 35% oppose it. Meanwhile, FAU’s polling found that 56% supported it.

USA Today reported that its poll had a 4.4% margin of error, meaning that it’s possible for as many as 62% or as little as 54% of voters to support the amendment.

The poll found that nearly two-thirds of Florida’s women support the amendment, compared to just over half of the state’s men.

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FAU found that 80% of Democrats were in support of the amendment, compared to 35% of Republicans and 59% of independents.

USA Today argued that data experts believe many Republicans will split their ticket and vote for former President Donald Trump while also supporting Amendment 4.

State Senator Erin Grall, a prominent pro-life legislator, criticized the amendment, saying it could weaken existing protections and mislead voters about its true implications.

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“Unlike other ballot measures we vote on, Amendment 4 fails to define key terms like ‘viability,’ ‘healthcare provider’ and ‘patient’s health’,” Grall stated. According to Grall, these vague terms could lead to situations where abortion clinic staff, rather than medical professionals, are making decisions about fetal viability and initiating late-term abortions.

Equally as concerning, Grall added, “Amendment 4 tells voters that it preserves parental notification while hiding the fact that it eliminates Florida’s parental consent law, making abortion the only medical procedure that can be performed on a minor without a parent’s permission.”

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