Operation Rescue has launched a full investigation into the death of Alexis “Lexi” Arguello, an 18-year-old Colorado girl who died from abortion complications on February 6, after delayed emergency transport from the Fort Collins Planned Parenthood.
“Our team has been gathering information on this death for weeks, slowly piecing together exactly what happened,” said Sarah Neely, Chief Operating Officer of Operation Rescue. “On March 12, however, testimony during a hearing with the Colorado Committee of Health and Human Services confirmed everything we have been investigating, including Planned Parenthood’s suspected failings.”
On the morning of February 6, Lexi Arguello arrived at Fort Collins Planned Parenthood for a second trimester abortion. Initial reports suspected she was 20 weeks along in her pregnancy, but testimony from Dr. Keri Kasun in the HHS hearing confirmed she was actually 22 weeks, according to family members.
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“This young woman was nearly six months along in her pregnancy,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue.”The later in pregnancy a woman has an abortion, the higher the risk of complications. Did anyone tell Lexi about that risk before she chose to undergo a procedure that ultimately cost her life, along with the life of her child?”
During the hearing, Dr. Kasun related how one of Lexi’s family members connected her to Lexi’s grandparents after the devastating loss of their grandchild and great grandchild.
“Lexi’s grandparents were called to the hospital on February 6,” she states. “This is the first time they learned of Lexi’s pregnancy. The grandfather shared with me the hospital experience. He could see the heroic efforts the doctors were doing to save her life, and he could see the deep concern in their faces that the situation was very dire. Her vitals were all over the place, the oxygen levels were horrible. After multiple doses of epi and seven liters of blood, his granddaughter’s blood pressure dropped—her heart rate and blood pressure dropped—and he seen in his granddaughter’s face that it was her end.”
Kasun reported that Lexi experienced an amniotic fluid embolism (AFE), a life-threatening complication with a high death rate, especially in second and third trimester abortions. Amniotic fluid enters the mother’s bloodstream, which can lead to an array of serious and sudden reactions, including cardiac arrest and widespread bleeding.
A case study of AFE published in 2022 states “suspicion of AFE should prompt a multidisciplinary team including anaesthesia, respiratory therapy, critical care, and maternal-foetal medicine to be involved in the ongoing care of women with AFE.”
“Abortion clinics are not equipped for critical care,” said Neely. “We request dozens and dozens of 911 calls every year proving this fact. Planned Parenthood Fort Collins not only had zero ability to address this life-threatening complication, but testimony from Dr. Kasun shows they made Lexi’s situation even worse, callously trying to protect their clinic over saving this girl’s life.”
In the second half of Dr. Kasun’s testimony, she drops the bombshell revelation:
“So, Lexi’s grandfather was told by the abortion providers, um, that Lexi was transferred too late. Um, she didn’t receive the urgency of care that would be required in order to have a chance to survive this condition. Um, instead, she got the silent siren treatment.”
According to Lexi’s grandparents, Planned Parenthood admitted to waiting far too long to call an ambulance. When they finally did call, they apparently requested no sirens. This is a well-known tactic among abortion clinics. Instead of prioritizing patients whose lives are hanging in the balance, abortion clinics would rather delay critical care by trying to downplay the necessity of emergency transport with no lights or sirens.
Furthermore, local sidewalk counselors also report that emergency vehicles arriving at this Planned Parenthood are always directed to go through the neighboring properties, hidden and out of sight, usually with no sirens, as opposed to using the more accessible main entrance.
“Planned Parenthood does not care about women,” said Newman. “This Planned Parenthood did not care if Lexi Arguello survived her complications. If they had, staff would have called an ambulance the minute she exhibited symptoms, and they would have requested lights, sirens, and any other measures that might have saved Lexi’s life.”
The March 11 hearing concerned HB25-1252, a bill that would have established the same kind of regulations and reporting for Colorado abortion clinics to which all other ambulatory centers in the state are already held.
The Public Affairs Manager for Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, the affiliate that oversees Fort Collins, placidly argued that Planned Parenthood did not need any regulation. She referred to Planned Parenthood as a “beacon of hope” and vowed that they “will always defend their patients.”
“February 6 was probably one of the darkest days of Lexi’s grandparents’ life, not to mention her parents and other loved ones,” said Newman. “Where was Planned Parenthood’s so-called beacon that day? Where was this supposed promise to defend their patients? Lexi and her child died a horrific death, made even worse by the callousness we see exhibited over and over again by abortion workers standing around a dying woman, refusing to call an ambulance because it might draw too much attention. That’s not healthcare for that patient. It’s hell.”
Neely adds, “This is an ongoing investigation, and Operation Rescue will not stop until every legal avenue has been pursued. We are still obtaining records and conducting interviews. We have reached out to at least one family member, offering our condolences and offering to put them in contact with an attorney. That is a standing offer. Complaints will also be forthcoming. Planned Parenthood must be held accountable for this complete failure in patient care.”