I was pleasantly shocked to read an in-depth article from the New York Times critical of Planned Parenthood titled Botched Care and Tired Staff: Planned Parenthood in Crisis.
Planned Parenthood (PP) is the nation’s largest chain of abortion facilities and the most aggressive lobbyist for abortion until birth on both the federal and state levels. One of their strongest allies in the media has been the Times. So, I was surprised that the liberal paper exposed many dirty little secrets of this kingpin of the abortion industry.
Fasten your seatbelts.
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The author, Katie Benner reviewed clinic documents and legal filings, interviews with over 50 past and present consultants, medical staff members and executives.
In spite of a fundraising bonanza in the wake of the Dobbs decision overturning Roe, many PP affiliates are seriously short on cash. They pay “rock-bottom salaries” and battle with employee turnover as high as 50%. The big bucks that have been raised don’t go for client treatment but are used to continue its legal and political battle to keep abortion on demand the status quo.
Adding to their financial woes is that ObamaCare has diverted many poor women away from PP and through the doors of legitimate healthcare clinics.
PP headquarters has given affiliates more than $899 million over the past five years but none of it went directly to abortion or medical services.
Benner’s research uncovered “scores of allegations” of botched abortions and poor healthcare.
PP affiliate staffers have reported:
- Begging for supplies that were often turned down.
- Poorly trained staff.
- Inexperienced peers training new employees.
- Buildings in desperate need of repairs including backed up sewage with clients vomiting from the stench.
- Non-abortion clients were often forced to endured three-hour waits to be seen.
- Clients who couldn’t afford care were turned away because the wait for approval was too long. What is their motto? Oh, yes, “Care. No Matter What.”
- Immense pressure to attract more clients and generate more income limited appointments to 10 minutes.
- Clients were given wrong meds and others given expired pain meds.
- STD test results were not added to client records, so after hearing nothing, clients wrongly assumed the tests were negative.
- The Tempe, AZ affiliate closed for eight months Deanna Evans, a previous manager said because, “One by one, there was no staff.”
- Being told to get a part-time job to cover basic needs.
- Refused paid overtime.
- Employees who required time off with physical injuries or newborns were eliminated.
- Disallowed work breaks.
- Those who reported discrimination or poor clinic practices were fired.
What was PP’s official response to many of these allegations? Clinic managers stated, “their staff members adhere to the highest medical standards, receive comprehensive training and work with management to address concerns in a timely fashion.” Really?
Joe Solmonese, chairman of PP Action Fund said, “There are always anecdotal things that you can get from disgruntled staff people.” His arm of the abortion conglomerate spent $40 million to elect pro-abortion candidates. As it turns out, that was money poorly spent.
Benner also noted that staff “recounted stories of seeing children as young as 12 and 13 years old receive abortions, sometimes because a family member impregnated them.” She made no mention in the article if these children were placed in the protective care of authorities who pursued legal action.
More dirt would have been uncovered but Benner’s exposure to those with complaints was limited due to fear that speaking out would jeopardize active lawsuits. Others felt their revelations would aid the pro-life movement.
Considering the New York Times is dedicated to abortion on demand it would be reasonable to question its motivation in exposing PP’s dirty laundry. Is it laying the groundwork to preserve PP’s federal funding? Poorly making the case that they desperately need more money, not less?
The prevailing opinion of the Trump administration is to cut unwarranted spending.
Ending tax funding of an organization whose purpose is to kill innocent babies in the womb should be first on the cutting block.
LifeNews.com Note: Bradley Mattes is the President of Life Issues Institute, a national pro-life educational group.